Bill of Health

Rather than alleviate risks in a cost-efficient manner, the rush to build new data-driven business models is producing different ones. If health data is capital, the collection of health data is a new form of profit sharing.

Natural’s Not In It

Science fiction reveals that the social facts many have taken for granted — things like gender, race, sex, class, hierarchy, and domination that are often attributed to “human nature” — are not inherently true and could be otherwise in the future.

The Politics of Infrastructure at BISR Starts June 5

What does it take to build an infrastructural system? What kind of norms do infrastructures enforce, and what kinds of people do they allow to thrive? What kinds of worlds do they make possible? This year we’ll focus on the politics and possibilities of digital infrastructures. Starts Tuesday, June 5th in NYC.

Necessary Purity

It is even tempting to regard food allergy as the signature disease of modernity. If so, a return to pure, clean living — avoiding pollution, pesticides, the hustle and bustle of modern life — would seem to be the solution.

Politics of Infrastructure at BISR starts June 5

What does it take to build an infrastructural system? What kind of norms do infrastructures enforce, and what kinds of people do they allow to thrive? What kinds of worlds do they make possible? The Politics of Infrastructure at the Brooklyn Institute for Social Research starts Monday, June 5th at the New York Academy of Medicine.